Sunday, October 7, 2012

Genesis 9 - Blessing of God

After receiving a beautiful sacrifice in gratitude to God for his salvation from destruction, God offers Noah a blessing saying "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. He announces that the beasts that had once cohabited with him would now be filled with Fred and fear.

God give Noah permission to eat the animals in the same way he gave green plants but he must not eat their lifeblood.

God re-establishes a society with all the provision Noah would need. Man was held higher than the animals as the animals would account for taking human life. In fact humans are not to take a life because it desecrates the image of God.

God gives commands that apply to he animals and in fact his covenant of the rainbow was established as a promise from God to both man and the animals. Even though man is held high, the animals are regarded with living kindness as well.

God remembers his people and provides for them. He loves to have his people's love in return. How can we show God how much we love him? Today we have opportunity to bring a sacrifice of praise and prayer to The Lord. Can you give him thanks for your salvation?

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