Thursday, October 4, 2012

Genesis 7 - Leaving it All Behind

Noah is an amazing example of a man who wholeheartedly lived for God. No doubt he was a spectacle to the rest of the world. He willingly left his reputation his family and his worldly goods under the complete discretion of The Lord. He is the first person recorded in scripture who completely trusted God for his salvation and obeyed Him fully.

I think the one verse that sums up Noah is verse 5... "And Noah did all that The Lord commanded him." It is easy having read the rest of the story to glaze over Noah's choice but prior to God's call to build an ark, there is no record of flooding. In fact there is no record of rain. He was operating in uncharted territory.

I can only imagine the emotions Noah must have felt. He must have felt gratitude for the salvation received for himself and his family. He must have felt honored to have been selected by God to complete this work. He must have felt some anxiety in considering God's plan to destroy all life.

He must have felt great sadness that he alone was saved; I am sure he would have desired to see his neighbors and family saved from this devastation after all he had brothers and sisters who were not included. If my calculations are correct, his grandfather Methuselah was also destroyed in the flood. Noah saw moe death and destruction than any man in history. How could he help but hurt for those who refused to be saved.

Few of us have had our faith challenged so totally. I know my mood sours after three days of rain; I can't imagine 40 days and then the floods continued for 150 days.

In all this trauma Noah remained steadfastly obedient. Because of his obedience he and his family saw the salvation of the Lord. The Lord in his mercy withheld the full force of his wrath and offered to those who would accept it a way of salvation.

As you consider your situation is there anything that you are withholding from the Lord's full discretion? Is it your reputation, your career, your family or your possessions? Our stewardship demands our obedience and our faithfulness to the Lord.

We live in a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christians. Following Noah's example could we live more boldly for The Lord? Could we put our full faith and trust in Jesus' plan of salvation and with that faith share this salvation with those who don't know and pray for even those who are hostile that The Lord might give light to their eyes and soften their stony hearts?

Can we pray that The Lord would increase out weak faith and allow us to live our faith boldly and impact our world without regard for the costs we may incur.

Let's pray: Dear Heavenly Father, we see that our own culture has offended you and even our own weak faith has disappointed you. We are so dependent on your mercies; would you first increase our faith as we commit our way to you? Then for those who do not know you, would you go ahead of our witness and soften their hearts and increase their understanding? More than stuff we value our relationship with you. Help us to trust you more. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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