Thursday, October 25, 2012

Genesis 14 - Entitlements and Planning

In our last chapter, Lot left Abram because if strife that resulted from abundance of possessions. It would have been easy for Abram to be bitter. On the contrary, Abram races to Lot's rescue when his choice led to the loss of both possessions and his freedom. Abram was entitled to respond in kind to Lot but he chose a different plan in advance.

I hope you take the time to read this chapter for yourself; but here is the situation: a controlling dictator had exercised rule over the region until the leaders of the region rebelled against him. War ensues and the dictator captures the people and possessions. Lot was captured along with the possessions he prized. Abram comes to Lot's rescue and defeats the dictator ruler and returns with both people and possessions.

Here are some lessons we can apply:

1. Abram was prepared for the situation. Notice in verse 14 Abram had 318 trained men. Even though he was a herdsman, Abram prepared for the unexpected. They trained- this was not something that happened spontaneously; it was intentional. Whatever situation arose he would be ready. Application: have you considered the potential "situations" that could interrupt your plans and prepared for those? Abram fully trusted God, but he prepared too so that he could be used by God when a new situation was introduced.

2. Abrams attitude. Abram could have stayed home and decided that Lot got what he deserved after the strife he caused and for taking the prime land for himself. But Abram is full of grace. And quick to come to the aid of his nephew. Application: are you prepared to forgive and administer grace to those who have wronged you?

3. Abram assumes personal risk. Abram could have retreated to his prayer closet and asked God to free Lot but Abram did more; he put his own life and the life of his fighting men at risk. Application: will you allow others to suffer while you have your needs met and enjoy security? Abram could have stayed home, but he didn't.

4. Abram's honor of the Priest of the Most High God. Abram offered the first tithe of EVERYTHING. Abram had a personal relationship to God, but in God's deliverance is quick to recognize God's hand at work and gives a tangible offering. Application: are we quick to see God's ordering of events and circumstances in our lives and do we give him the credit and offerings He deserves?

5. Abram's refusal of the spoils. Abram was entitled to take a portion for his service. He was offered ALL the possessions by the King of Sodom but he refused to have a part with a King who no doubt had a reputation for compromise of God's principles. Abram knew God would supply his needs and he didn't need to entangle himself in tainted relationships. Application: will you commit yourself to holy living and refuse the benefits associated with compromise?

6. Abram's predetermined commitment. I believe Abram had predetermined his responses before so that when conflict arose he was prepared with a Godly response. He chose ahead of time to watch out for Lot. He chose ahead of time to prepare for battle and conflict. He chose ahead of time that God would be honored in his life. He chose ahead of time to refuse worldly entanglements.

Today we may be faced with unexpected conflict or blessing from above. Will you choose in advance to honor God no matter what comes?

Dear Heavenly Father, I am humbled to consider the great depths of commitment Abram displayed and the many ways he honored you. I confess that this attitude has not always been my choice, but today I choose to in advance prepare for the unexpected and to honor you with my words, my attitudes and my actions. Please keep me from worldly entanglements even as I choose to turn away from them. Even in my commitment, I need your wisdom and your strength. I look to you today to fulfill your work in me. In Jesus' name I pray.

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