Dignity and Honor
The clothing was to give dignity and honor to the wearer and to the position. We bring evoke right treatment of ourselves when we dress in a way that dignifies us. Later we will speak about modesty in dress, but when we dress neatly it shows we care about ourselves and we would like others to treat us with respect as well.
We make a statement to the world by wearing clothing to dishonor ourselves. Revealing clothing that exposes our undergarments or worse, our areas which should remain covered causes people to think of us in less than flattering ways. We as God's children should dress in ways that do not stir lusts or degrade our image.
Aaron was a priest. In dressing the part he brings honor also to his position and reflects holiness to God. Likewise when we dress for our work we reflect not only on ourselves but on our employer and our profession.
The details of the garments added to the honor and care that was given to the dress. The ornamentation was to add to the dignity of the position and the person.
Signs and Remembrances
When we dress, we show something of our character and the things we value. We like to call it our style.
In this chapter I am struck by the symbolic nature of some of the pieces - the shoulder plate and the breastpiece with the names of the tribe of Israel, the Holy to the Lord gold plate on the turban, even the bells around the hem all spoke about the Holiness of God and his love for the people. Aaron was to be a representative of the people to God but also a reflection of God to the people. He was to hold the nation dear to his heart and bring their sacrifices to The Lord.
I think of how people wear jewelry that has a cross or other remembrance that keeps God before us as a reminder but also before the people we meet witnessing to them. We show our faith in our dress and we demonstrate to the world that we hold God high in our lives.
Contrary, when we have symbols of rebellion, death, and hatred reflected in our dress, we publicly speak against God and witness against Him.
The point of this passage is that God sees and cares about the details. Our adherence to the details is a reflection of our character and obedience to The Lord. Consider what statements you make in your dress today.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.